In celebration of Black Breastfeeding Week!

I am going on 10 months strong with breastfeeding. My journey has been fairly easy compared to many. I believe that one of my greatest assets is that my family is so supportive! My family and my husband’s family could not be more supportive. No one ever makes me feel awkward or like I have to leave and sit alone to feed my daughter. In the beginning it was difficult to not feel awkward because of my insecurities. All I could think of is what if she unlatches and my nipple shows for 10 seconds! What will they say?! Guess what… it happened, and no one was even paying attention. I must say I was so embarrassed at first, but then I noticed no one saw or really cared. It was nothing new. I realized the horror stories of people giving mothers a hard time were real and it’s horrible that people can’t just leave a mother to feed her child, but that was not my experience. I realized it’s possible to have nothing happen but positive experience breastfeeding. It’s okay as a biracial woman to breastfeed. You don’t have to be crunchy or a hippie to breastfeed, but if you are that’s okay too. We are all mothers, no matter skin color, trying to be the best we can for our children, and you mom are doing a damn good job! 😉🤱🏽👍🏽 #BBW18 #LoveOnTop

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